Sunday, August 29, 2010

Individual Paths

We all need to find our own path in life. If we all had the same path, it wouldn’t make for a very interesting world. Just because something is the right choice for someone else, doesn’t make it the right choice for me, and vice versa.

One of my close friends got married yesterday. I am so happy for her and her new husband. This was an important moment in their lives and I was honoured to be there to share it with them. I don’t doubt for one moment that the two of them are destined to spend their live together, raising some beautiful children.

That’s their path, but not mine. I think that’s part of what’s always confused me. I see how marriage and family is the right choice for so many of my friends. How that path is the right one for them. But it took me a while to realize that it just isn’t my path.

My path is spiritual. I struggle with it, but it feels so right. I feel completely comfortable in myself and at peace when I’m on my path. It includes Yoga asanas, meditation and other spiritual exploration. I know I am still at the beginning of the path and it excites me. I know it’s a path I’ll be on for the rest of my life. I found my home, it is in me, just waiting for me to centre myself enough to see it.

Today I’m grateful for clarity, beautiful weather, a restful Sunday, good friends and faith.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Simple Joys

Today I’m appreciating simple joys. The joy of watching my cat. The joy of wearing beautiful, comfortable clothes. The joy of being comfortable in my own skin. The joy of a sunny sky and a cool breeze.

It is easy to get caught up in the warp speed that so much of our society seems to live in. It’s funny how fast everything needs to be, when sometimes we still don’t accomplish much. 1 hr photos, 1 hr drycleaning, fast food, microwave dinners. Multitasking! No time to just stop and enjoy the one thing we’re doing in that moment.

Today I’m recapturing some of the joy in doing one thing at a time. The simplicity. The pride in how well I can do one thing. The focus and dedication.

Today I’m grateful for the weekend, cheap used books, plans with friends tonight, finding clothes in my closet to wear to next weekend’s wedding and enjoying the simplicity of the moment.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Slowing Down

Sometimes our bodies whisper at us to slow down. It might be a muscle or joint pain, a headache, or just feeling tired. And sometimes our bodies speak a little louder. So here I am at home, waiting to find out if I have strep throat or mono. Um... “is there a none of the above choice?” My body clearly wants me to slow down. So what’s been racing? Mostly work (my non-Yoga work) and my mind. I haven’t spent nearly enough time on self care lately.

And am I listening? The weekend was good. Lots of fluids and rest. Then came Monday. Whoops, working from home but still worked 8.5 hrs. Apparently that corporate globe spins without me, which I’m happy about. But, I think I need to step off the spinning globe for a little R&R.

So, doing some self care tonight (including this entry). Getting to bed early. And tomorrow, creating a cutoff time and working with everyone early in the day to ensure I am not needed past that time.

Today I’m grateful for my throat feeling considerably better, deadline extensions on two of my deliverables for tomorrow, how incredibly cute my cat is when she’s demanding my attention (how dare I work at home and not cater to her every whim), that my missing parcel arrived in the mail, and my mom because I need someone to pout to about my day.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Emergency Toolbox

I’ve decided to construct an emergency toolbox. It will have tools to help me repair emergency leaks, breakdowns, etc. Of course, I’m not talking a conventional toolbox, but more of a toolbox of strength.

When I’m feeling the need for reinforcement it is usually because I am overtired, overworked, or some other “over” that I am not giving myself enough care and attention. It becomes hard to lean on the tools I know are there. So I’m going to try to make them more accessible and more apparent so that I lean on them a little more.

What’s in my toolbox? My ipod filled with songs that inspire me, books by people that inspire me, going to bed early, daily Yoga practice, regular exercise, loving friends, respecting my body ...and it just keeps growing.

Today I’m grateful for my health, my friends (and family), my cat, the painting I bought this weekend that speaks to me spiritually, and the amazing experience of having a bird sit on my hand in the wild.