Saturday, March 31, 2012

Week 13 Challenge - Without Excess

This year I decided to challenge myself to reflect on various Yoga and Buddhist aspects throughout the year. The challenges come from a variety of places including readings in Deborah Adele's Yamas and Niyamas and Thich Nhat Hanh's Heart of the Buddha's Teaching and Happiness.

This week's challenge was to enjoy life, without excess. To enjoy pleasure but stop before over-indulgence.

I'll admit there are times when this can be a really challenging one for me. If one is good, isn't more better? I've often had that mindset even though experience has taught me the answer is "No". The first bite of cake is the best; every subsequent bite isn't as good but I keep eating hoping for that one perfect bite again.

Last weekend, my mom bought pie. I knew I was light on calories for that day and had a couple pieces of pie. The first was okay. The second was not. It was heavy and I really didn't enjoy it that much. It was a good start to the week since it reminded me that excess usually isn't that enjoyable.

On Wednesday night I stayed up too late (if a little time in front of the TV/on the computer is good, them more is better, right?) and was left tired for Thursday. I remembered this Thursday night and made a point of going to bed earlier so that I could catch up on rest.

I've been working on slowly making some changes to my life including eating, exercise and self-care. Therefore, I found that pleasure without excess was fairly easy to acheive this week. I certainly find that the middle ground between deprivation and excess is the most comfortable point to be.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Summer Planning

As spring starts to develop around me, I've taken a bit of time to think ahead to possible summer plans. What are some possibilities for this summer?
  • Audio file Yoga classes available for download before the City classes break for the summer.
  • Yoga and meditation at various parks around the City.
  • Taking a retreat at The Hermitage on Denman Island.
  • A possible trip back to Saskatchewan to visit family and friends.
  • Some Karma Yoga teaching days where all proceeds will be donated to a local charity.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Yoga for Allergies

What has me researching Yoga for allergies? I have seasonal allergies. My reactions are generally very mild (me sniffling a bit), so I don't take anything for them. I do Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) and use a neti pot in the morning and at night and I find that keeps my breathing clear.

On Sunday, my mom and I went for a walk, did a bit of bushwacking and then walked up a steep hill home (think lots of deep breathing). By the time we hit the driveway I could feel the histamine reaction. I spent the next few hours incredibly stuffed up with itchy eyes.

While I didn't think to research Yoga solutions at the time, I decided to look into it so that I have some additional tools ready when it happens again.

In general, standing poses are considered beneficial for the respiratory system. Inversions (head below the heart) can help to drain the nasal passages, but shouldn't be held too long.

In addition to Nadi Shodhana, another breathing technique good for allergies is Kapalabhati (Breath of Fire). I do recommend learning this one from a teacher, as there's a bit of technique to it. This is a forceful breathing practice and should only be done if it doesn't cause additional discomfort. It definitely clears the sinuses, so be sure to have lots of tissues nearby.

I feel a little more prepared for my next allergic reaction.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Week 12 Challenge - Dreams and Goals

This year I decided to challenge myself to reflect on various Yoga and Buddhist aspects throughout the year. The challenges come from a variety of places including readings in Deborah Adele's Yamas and Niyamas and Thich Nhat Hanh's Heart of the Buddha's Teaching and Happiness.

This week's challenge is about looking at my dreams and goals and figuring out what I can do to get closer to them. It was a fairly easy week for me since I had recently done this in various areas of my life.

From a personal, lifestyle perspective I have a variety of goals that I've been working towards. They include more exercise, more whole grains, more whole foods, more vegan meals, more self-care. I've been adding in a bit each week to increase these things in my life.

From a business perspective I had recently done some goal setting for where I'd like my business to be in the next few months and how to get there. I ordered some signs for outside the house and have expanded the number of classes I'm offering in April.

I've also spent some time thinking about some other things such as retreats and karma Yoga and how to fit those into my life.

It was nice to do some reflection of where I am and where I'm going.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Yawning Yoga

I don't have kids, but the kid in me thinks this looks like a great book: Yawning Yoga

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Letting Go of the Little Things

For the past week, I've been practicing Loving Kindness meditation during Savasana when I teach. And it's been so great!

Loving Kindness meditation helps me let go of the little things. I practice having patience and compassion for myself and for others.

I've had a bit of extra stress lately and practicing patience and compassion toward myself has really helped with that. I've been able to be okay with how I've done with my to-do list and also with however I am coping with the stress.

Practicing compassion for others helps me let go of those small frustrating moments that tend to amplify when I'm stressed. It helps me shift my reaction towards the person and the situation.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Week 11 Challenge - Using What's There

This year I decided to challenge myself to reflect on various Yoga and Buddhist aspects throughout the year. The challenges come from a variety of places including readings in Deborah Adele's Yamas and Niyamas and Thich Nhat Hanh's Heart of the Buddha's Teaching and Happiness.

This week's challenge was about exploring all those things available to us to use without needing to own them. It was a fun week.

I've been a heavy library user for years. I'm a fast reader so have always been a borrower more than a buyer. However, this last week I also borrowed a movie from the library. It was great! We keep a list on the fridge of movies we'd like to see sometime. So it was great to not have to pay to watch the movie.

I've also been thinking of buying a new game or two for the Nintendo Wii. And I probably will buy some. But, I decided for now to rent games. It was a great opportunity to try some games out so that I know if they're worth the money. And I suspect in many cases, once I'm done with the rental, I won't want to bother buying them.

Near the north end of town there is a wellness park. It's like a set of gym circuit machines but outside (and free). After my class yesterday afternoon, I went and did a short workout there. Because of the distance from my house, I wouldn't want to use the park unless I was already up at that end of town. But, when I am up there, I think it will make a great little pit stop. I enjoyed the gym style workout in the park setting.

One activity I've been wanting to try is geocaching. It uses GPS to find hidden caches in parks and other areas. There is one just down the road from our house. We tried to do it with GPS but it turns out the GPS on my phone isn't accurate enough. However, we're going to take another crack at it tomorrow just using the map and our own navigational skills (we used to both orienteer). We are thinking it would be a nice Sunday activity to strike out from our house and hunt out some caches.

I enjoyed this week. I tend to explore more of the free activities on a regular basis anyway since I try to keep my expenses down. But it was good to try a few new ones this week.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

March Love List

20 things I'm loving right now:
  1. Homemade soy hot chocolate with cinnamon and cayenne.
  2. Borrowed DVD movies from the library (YAY, free movies!).
  3. Doing Loving Kindness meditation during Savasana.
  4. Roasted Brussels sprouts.
  5. My new mostly administrative position at the office.
  6. Sleeping in a bit in the mornings.
  7. Rediscovering fitness activities I used to do (like Pilates).
  8. My cocoa smelling conditioner and how soft it leaves my hair.
  9. Blueberry brown sugar cookies.
  10. Reading passages from Poser to my students for my weekly readings.
  11. Drinking lots of water. Sometimes I get out of this habit and it's so good to get back.
  12. Balancing health and indulgence in the foods I eat.
  13. A folder on my computer full of inspiring photos and quotes.
  14. Rental video games. I'm picking up the first one that was sent to me today, but this seems like a great way to try out a game without buying.
  15. Homemade iced tea.
  16. Excitement building over trying geocaching. Just waiting for the rain to take a break and we'll give it a try.
  17. My cat all stretched out and lounging on the footstool.
  18. My mom for doing my dishes so many times.
  19. My always inspiring students.
  20. My life! I am so grateful that I get to share Yoga and meditation with others!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Looking Back

For some reason today I started reading my posts from when I was at the Ashram last April. And it was so nice to reflect back on that time. I figure some of my readers may not have been following me back then and might like to hear about my time at the Ashram.

Click here for the April 2011 posts

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Week 10 Challenge - Not Stealing From the Earth

This year I decided to challenge myself to reflect on various Yoga and Buddhist aspects throughout the year. The challenges come from a variety of places including readings in Deborah Adele's Yamas and Niyamas and Thich Nhat Hanh's Heart of the Buddha's Teaching and Happiness.

This week's challenge was to notice when I was stealing from the earth, stealing from the future. To give back what I'm taking. Great challenge! I like this one and it is something I try to spend some time working towards.

Where did I take more than I gave back? I definitely ate some processed food this week which has a big environmental impact compared to whole foods. Despite an intention to shorten them, my daily showers continue to be on the long side taking more than my share of water. While I biked to work one day this week, I asked to be picked up which negated leaving the car at home.

What am I proud of?

I looked up the ecological footprint of various foods so that I would have a better idea of how my food choices impact the earth. And I continued to practice throughout the week being aware of what my choices were really costing. Including having one day that was all tasty, whole, vegetarian foods.

I am happy about the bike to work, even if that day it didn't make a difference. I know that over time I will get stronger on the bike and will be able to lessen my car use.

As I look at needing some new clothes in the next few months, I am looking at both second-hand options as well as more ecologically produced clothing to find the right choice for me.

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does." - William James

Thursday, March 8, 2012

International Women's Day

Today, March 8, is International Women's Day. 3 ways to help empower women:
  1. Donate to a local women's cause or charity (such as Nanaimo Women's Centre).
  2. Donate to Vittana to help them meet their goal of funding 100 female students in support of International Women's Day.
  3. Get involved with She's the First and help send a girl in a developing world to school.
These are just 3 possible options, there are many ways for us to recognize and help each other.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Week 9 Challenge - Not Stealing the Show

This year I decided to challenge myself to reflect on various Yoga and Buddhist aspects throughout the year. The challenges come from a variety of places including readings in Deborah Adele's Yamas and Niyamas and Thich Nhat Hanh's Heart of the Buddha's Teaching and Happiness.

This week's challenge was to not steal other people's thunder. When I first read about this concept as an interpretation of Asteya (non-stealing), it was a couple years ago. I found it really applicable to my life and have been practicing it since then.

There's a fine line for me between sharing a story to relate (what I feel like I'm doing) and sharing for other reasons. I know that it goes to that need to fix people that sometimes crops up. I feel like I know the best answer for them and need to share it. It's that impulse that draws me to provide unsolicited advice.

When someone else has told their story and I then share my story (of a similar theme), I haven't just related to them. I've taken their story and turned it into mine. And, for me, there are some aspects of my ego driving that moment. A need to be heard. A belief I know the best. The thought that my story is better/more important than theirs. And a need to make it about me. Those aren't conscious thoughts in the moment and they certainly aren't ones I'm proud of, but I feel like those are the instincts at play.

So, I'm working on just listening to someone's story. Not sharing my own. Not trying to solve their problem. Just listening. It's a challenge, but it feels so right when I do it.