Sunday, September 26, 2010

Healthy Eating

I’ve spent some time recently thinking about healthy eating. If we think of all the food available as one big pool of food, I seem to have segregated it into many different piles.

I’ve been vegetarian several times in my life, the longest for 1.5 years. I chose to be vegetarian because I personally did not want to eat animals. As a Yogini, I study the Yamas and my interpretation of Ahimsa (non-violence) is that I should not cause suffering. Therefore, following this part of myself I would choose veganism.

As an ecologically-minded person, I believe that food should be as local as possible. I know this is fairly realistic for someone on Vancouver Island if both the Island and Lower Mainland are considered local. Therefore, following this part of myself I would choose to be a locavore.

As a person who prefers to limit their exposure to chemical toxins, I would tend to choose organic over conventionally grown food. But organic foods are not always available locally.

I have had digestive challenges for most of my adult life. Twice I’ve spent a considerable amount of time on a diet called the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) on which my digestive challenges disappear. The SCD dictates no grains, starches, sugar, caffeine and several other substances. The bulk of the diet is nuts, fruit, veggies, homemade yogurt and meat.

And at the end of the day I think splitting off a small pool of food from others may not be that good for my mental health. And depending on what foods I split out, for my physical health. I’ve decided to avoid labels and try to eat what my body wants, as in line with my principles as possible.

So, I definitely lean vegetarian right now with a preference for non-dairy/egg foods. I lean local over organic; but if I can’t get local, I will look for organic. And I listen to and respect my body to try and find a balance that works for both my body and my spirit. My mind...that’s a story for another day.

Today I’m grateful for a sunny Sunday, bagels, my cute cat, my mom to play video games with and lots of Yoga plans in the works.

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