Friday, April 15, 2011

Life at the Ashram - Day 13 (aka Flashbacks of Home)

Today I worked in the computer offices all day. Checking other peoples work and correcting mistakes. Giving other people training and instruction.

...honestly it felt way too close to home. I found it frustrating because I keep finding problems but I know that's just my issue (no one else really cares how long it takes, and there is a never ending list of things to be done). But I also wanted to get as much done today as possible since I might not be back in there for a couple days.

I have been working out some stuff regarding the rest of my trip over the last few days. When I came here I committed to 2 weeks, which would have me leaving tomorrow. My intent was 4 weeks. After some thought and consideration, I've decided to leave at 3 weeks (next Saturday). I've had many signs that this is the right decision. I'm going to head to Vancouver to meet up with a meditation group and do some personal exploration / reflection. And then head home a few days early for some rest. I will enjoy my last week at the Ashram but this is the right choice for me.

There is a Yoga Teacher certification course going on right now. Tomorrow morning I'll get to attend one of the new teacher's practice classes. Usually the teacher's we have here are very experienced so it will be nice to observe a newer teacher.

I feel very drained today from all the time in front of a computer. I'd say TGIF, but tomorrow is also a work day. Part of me hopes I end up in Shakti (the computer building) again so I can wrap some more things up. But part of me hopes I get almost anything else so that I can have a break from it. It will be what it will be.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, there's an intensity to your post today. Hugs! And if you're up for some sage advice from a 4 year old, R would say "you get what you get, and you don't get upset." haha

    My feeling is that one does not have to be cheerful all the time just to prove that they are grateful for life's blessings. It's ok to have a crummy day once in a while.

    Now hurry home... I need some Hatha Yoga, and my Nadine back!!
