Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ayurveda - self-analysis

In November, I wrote an Introduction to Ayurveda post. Today, I wanted to share some self-analysis I've done as part of a course I'm taking.

How would you evaluate the proportions of the three Doshas in your own constitution? There are 3 Doshas or energies that make up everything including us. They are Vata (air/ether), Kapha (earth/water) and Pitta (fire/water). I am Kapha, with smaller amounts of Pitta and Vata (in approximately equal proportions). Some of my Kapha traits are a tendency to gain weight, short height, pale skin, low appetite, strong immune system, tendency toward increased mucus/phlegm and towards lethargy and depression. I also possess the Pitta characteristic of a tendency to be argumentative, and the Vata characteristics of being sensitive to cold, wind and dryness and an adaptable and indecisive mental nature. I believe my Kapha is increased due to a tendency towards Kapha-increasing choices over the past decade. My natural constitution is likely a bit more balanced than it appears right now.

How would you evaluate the proportions of the three gunas in your own nature? The gunas represent mental traits of clarity (Sattva), distraction (Rajas) and dullness (Tamas). They reflect development of the soul as we move from Tamas to Rajas and from Rajas to Sattva. I would evaluate myself as primarily rajasic, with some sattvic and tamasic characteristics. Without striving to develop sattva, I have a tendency towards controlling, becoming attached, greed, materialism, and the seeking of comfort and luxury. I also have a tendency towards the tamasic traits of lethargy and depression. When I work on developing sattva, I am calm, peaceful, compassionate and patient.

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