Monday, August 27, 2012

Less Writing

Expanding on a previous blog, today I want to talk about less writing. Actually, I guess I'm writing about less writing (yikes).

There are two places I write. In my journal and on my blog.

Journaling can be a really beneficial process. I've used it a lot over the years and I'm sure I will continue to use it in the future. However, one thing I've noticed is that when I write something out, when I acknowledge awareness of the things going on in my mind, I stop there. I'm proud of myself for figuring it out, but don't actually go to the next step of changing my patterns. So, while I'll continue to use my journal in some ways, I'm journalling a little less to allow myself to not get stuck in the trap of observation over action.

And my blog? What's wrong with writing here? Nothing. But why do I do it? Part of it is a need to share with others. The idea that I need to share my thoughts for them to be complete. And while I can share my thoughts, I'm also working on practicing keeping some of them to myself.

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