Saturday, March 19, 2011

Exciting Changes

A lot of people have been asking me "are you excited about your trip?". First of all, if you don't know what trip, keep reading. But my answer has inevitably been that I'd like to be excited, but I just don't feel like I have the time to be. And I've had several signs that I need to take the time to honor the exciting changes happening in my life. A little preview of what's coming:

1) Going to Yasodhara Ashram. I leave April 1st for the Ashram in the Kootenays. I am spending 28 days doing Karma Yoga (selfless service) and exploring my spiritual path. It is going to be an amazing experience. When asked by the Ashram what my expectations were of them, I honestly said that I have no specific expectations. I am just looking forward to the opportunity to continue to travel my path in the company of others on similar journeys. The Ashram has this amazing energy and I'm looking forward to being there.

2) Going to Whistler Yoga Conference. I return from the Ashram on May 2nd and on May 5th I leave for Whistler Yoga Conference. It will be an amazing 3.5 days of learning. I'm looking forward to being exposed to more new ideas and learning more things I can share with my students.

3) Starting to teach with the City of Nanaimo. I start teaching 3 classes in May at the City's facilities and I'm excited about this opportunity. I met with them this week to get one of the facility tours and sign some of the paperwork.

4) Devoting myself to teaching full-time. My last day at my day job is March 31st and the stress of wrapping up this month has been what has held back my excitement over everything else. But as I worked on my May teaching schedule, I realized how great it is going to be to put classes in anytime I want and how great it will be to devote my time and energy to my passion.

I am really glad that I took a moment to embrace and share the exciting things happening in my life.

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