Saturday, January 7, 2012

Week 1 Challenge - Outside my Comfort Zone

This year I decided to challenge myself to reflect on various Yoga and Buddhist aspects throughout the year. The challenges come from a variety of places including readings in Deborah Adele's Yamas and Niyamas and Thich Nhat Hanh's Heart of the Buddha's Teaching and Happiness.

This week's challenge was to do some things I wouldn't normally do, if possible things I was afraid to do. I found it an interesting challenge. I mostly did it by reflection; I didn't start each day thinking "what will I do for my challenge today" but rather reflected on what I did that was outside the typical.

One of the big things for me this week was that I avoided some procrastination. I definitely tend towards "I'll do that later". A small example is that if I have recycling I will set it on the counter and won't get around to taking it to the recycling bin until much later. This week I made a point of doing more things in the moment (recycling, taking the laundry down, etc). And it felt good to have it done and not adding to my to-do list.

I asked for what I wanted this week. Two friends offered to buy me lunch for various reasons. However, due to the diet I'm on (SCD), eating out is sort of frustrating and a bit boring. My first inclination was to just say no to going out. However, what I really wanted was a raincheck. Normally, this would be something I wouldn't ask for and I know the root of that is fear (not wanting to be an inconvenience). But instead I asked for a raincheck, and it felt great to be honest about what I wanted.

I've been working this week on finding the right time of day for working out. One day I thought I'd work out in the mid-afternoon but that just hasn't been the right time (lack of motivation), so I figured I would skip it that day since I had classes all evening. When my classes were unexpectedly cancelled, I decided to workout in the evening which is definitely not typical. I was glad to get the workout in and it provided me motivation to find a better time to workout (morning).

These are some small ways I've stepped out of my comfort zone this week. I definitely found that doing the unfamiliar wasn't nearly as difficult as it is in my mind. It definitely bolstered my sense of self and helped me to have more authentic relationships with others.

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