Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Letting Go of the Little Things

For the past week, I've been practicing Loving Kindness meditation during Savasana when I teach. And it's been so great!

Loving Kindness meditation helps me let go of the little things. I practice having patience and compassion for myself and for others.

I've had a bit of extra stress lately and practicing patience and compassion toward myself has really helped with that. I've been able to be okay with how I've done with my to-do list and also with however I am coping with the stress.

Practicing compassion for others helps me let go of those small frustrating moments that tend to amplify when I'm stressed. It helps me shift my reaction towards the person and the situation.

1 comment:

  1. Nice!
    I too have been loving my Metta practice this last month. I'm really seeing the reactions to little things beginning to disappear and being replaced with pure calm and presence. It has shifted my yoga practice quite a bit as well.
    Thanks for sharing.
