Sunday, October 31, 2010

Memoir - AKA

I'm doing a Do It Yourself Memoir. Thought it would be fun to document my life. Basically it asks questions and you write down the answer.

I will share most portions of the memoir as well as the reflections I have when writing it. The first big section is called The Facts of Life and the first section in that is AKA.

How was your name chosen? Out of a baby book, after I was born.

What do you like to be called? Nadine (with a long "a")

What are all the names you have used? Dean, Deenie, Schwag, Mouse

How did you get those names? from friends and co-workers

If you could choose a different name, what would it be? At this time, I wouldn't choose to be different than I am. - and this was the answer that gave me pause. In the past I've thought about changing my last name. And there are times I may not have loved my name. But I also can't imagine being anyone else. Just like my past makes me who I am. Nadine Schwager is who I am. And I love me!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Finding my Centre

Ah, it's that time of year again. When my day job gets so crazy busy, it seems impossible to get all the work done. But it seems to come earlier each year, and this year I also have my Yoga business to continue growing.

In theory, these should seem like two conflicting priorities. And in some ways they are as one is demanding my time (and I am required to give it) while the other needs my time (and I want to give it).

But in many other ways, these two priorities complement each other. Many other years I would dive into work (drown in work) and leave behind my personal priorities like exercise, Yoga, healthy eating and self-care. This year, because of my business, I'm instead continuing with my personal priorities and using them as a relief from the busyness of my day job. At the end of a hard day, nothing's better than diving into Yoga whether it's my personal practice or teaching.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Joy of Yoga!

Teaching adults Yoga is incredibly rewarding. Okay, so now what do I use as an adjective to describe teaching kids Yoga? Absolutely, slendiferously, unbelievably rewarding!

Kids are just so free and fun! We moo like cows, bark like dogs, wave like oceans, grow like trees! And we just make stuff up.

There are reasons I love teaching adults Yoga (helping introduce people to this great practice, helping them grow their personal Yoga practice, introducing people to the spiritual side of Yoga, showing anyone that they too can do Yoga).

Kids are different because it's more fun and physical, but I still get the chance to teach them new words (Namaste) and teach them about warm, healing Divine light. And really, it's different because I'm different. Kids Yoga gives me a chance to be a kid again, and for that I'm grateful.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Peace of Mind

I love the peace of mind that meditation brings me. I love the feeling of connection, that feeling of serenity, that feeling of being fully in the moment. And I love what it gives to my everyday life.

When I'm in a stressful moment, I love being able to pause my brain and realize the insignificance of that moment.

I've been working lately on non-reactiveness. I hadn't really thought of that concept before but it's one I'm happy to work on. It's easy to get worked up about things, it's easy to want to defend your thoughts and decisions, it's easy to get upset when someone says or does something that violates your principles. But I'm working on cultivating non-reaction. Just smiling, moving on and being happy with myself. It's a challenge but I'm enjoying it and the effects on my everyday life.

Friday, October 15, 2010

So Good to Be Back!

Last week I didn't do much Yoga since I was feeling quite sick. I missed it, but I was feeling so low that it was just one more thing on the list.

And it feels so good to be back! My chest is still a little congested, but I'm on the mend. Tonight is my fourth class this week and I feel good. My body feels stretched, worked and a little sore. My mind feels calmer. And my spirit feels more free.

And I actually think the "business" of Yoga helped keep me closer to my Yoga practice. While I didn't do physical Yoga last week, I still dealt with cancelling my classes, booking classes for the new year, advertising, updating the website. And that helped keep a thread of connection that I could pick back up once I was feeling better.

And now I'm off to teach my Friday night class.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One for All

"..she is willing to try anything that affords you the opportunity to shake up the Etch A Sketch of everything you suppose is true, a chance to question all your secret opinions: that this thing is good, that one is bad; that this person is better, that one is worse. I truly - or at least sort of - believe that we are all family, created of the same stuff, and that what is true for one of us is true for most of us." - Anne Lamott

I love that quote! Both for the use of the Etch a Sketch and for the general theme. I do believe we are all family, created of the same stuff. And it's easy to think that I'm different, I'm unique. And I am; but I'm no more unique or different than anyone else.

That helps me when I'm feeling very "poor me". It's easy to feel overwhelmed by my individual trials and have a pity party. But everyone has trials, some are easier than mine and most are harder than mine. Really, I have a pretty spectacular life, even the parts I don't like.

And what I need might be what we all need (although I don't assume to know what anyone else needs). I need faith. Faith in myself, faith in mankind, faith in the Divine. I need gratitude. Gratitude for this life, gratitude for the gifts I've received and gratitude for today.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Herizen Profiles Me!

The Herizen Blog (Herizen is the company I took my Yoga Teacher Training through) has profiled me in their most recent post. Check it out at:

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Yoga Conference!

Wow! ... Wow! ...

The Yoga Conference was amazing. It was fabulous to learn from so many great teachers. I took classes from Nischala Joy Devi, Michael Stone, Brad Waites, Lou Lynn and Devinder Kaur. As a teacher it was a vast learning experience, but as a student, it was indescribable (but apparently I'm going to try). I felt as if my heart was open wide, taking it all in.

Some of my previous notions (and learnings), were completely debunked during the weekend. Lots of new things to explore and research. Lots of new things to try.

I already can't wait for next year's conference. So much positive energy contained in all those classrooms.