Thursday, November 11, 2010

Yoga: sometimes is it too much?

Thank you to for sharing this article on 12 Worst Yoga Trends That Distort The Tradition.

More Yoga in our world? Great! Mass-commercialization of Yoga, maybe not so great. I love Yoga and I want to share it with anyone who's interested. And I kind of feel like that's how the commercialization of Yoga happened. I think in our western, very commerce driven society, the easy way to share Yoga with others was to turn it into a product.

But have we forgotten that Yoga isn't a product? Yoga isn't about the physical poses (Asanas). Yoga is the union of body, mind and spirit and the Asanas are just one step in that direction. And Yoga really isn't clothing, yogurt or any of the other things that have co-opted a Yoga culture.

Don't get me wrong, I have "yoga pants" and love them. But they are just pants, and have nothing to do with my practice. What makes me a Yogini is the dedication to following my Yogic path in life.

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