Saturday, February 25, 2012

Week 8 Challenge - Questioning My Beliefs

This year I decided to challenge myself to reflect on various Yoga and Buddhist aspects throughout the year. The challenges come from a variety of places including readings in Deborah Adele's Yamas and Niyamas and Thich Nhat Hanh's Heart of the Buddha's Teaching and Happiness.

Last week, I spoke about self-indulgence vs. self care. And, as usual, I published my post before reading up on this week's challenge. And when I did I started laughing. This week's challenge was to look at the ideas and beliefs that once served me and no longer do. Ha! What a perfect follow up to last week.

I loved this challenge. It really got in my face.

Food is one of the major areas in my life where my beliefs send me veering in wild directions. And I keep looking for answers. As if when I find that magic answer, all will be right with the world. A belief that I need someone to tell me what to do, a belief that I am not in control. And those beliefs are definitely not serving me. Mid-week I had a great moment where I thought "I don't need someone to tell me what to eat. I know exactly what to eat. My issue is learning to listen to the guidance I receive. Acting on it."

Sunday's are my only day off of work. And I typically spend them primarily in self-indulgence (TV and food). I spent some time this week thinking about what would actually relax me and the answers were more along the lines of a mini-retreat: silence, restorative Yoga, meditation, reflection. My belief that relaxation is doing nothing is definitely out-of-date.

Interestingly, the concept of a mini-retreat, and particularly the aspect of silence, challenged my beliefs as well. I was trying to find a way to take some "retreat time" at home, or without wandering far. But where would I find silence when I live with someone else? I thought about going to the library to find some quiet or looking at noise-cancelling headphones. Then I thought about it. I have the house to myself sometimes, and what do I do with that time? Usually watch some TV. Instead, what if I took advantage of the opportunity for silence then? I'm often looking for a complicated answer while the real answer stares me in the face, ever so simple. Living with the belief that I don't already know the answer. Definitely a belief that can go.

I look forward to continuing to challenge the beliefs that shape my thoughts.

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