Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Blip on the Radar Screen

For the past two weeks I've been moving along at a great pace. Some other things in my life have fallen into place and this has given my the time and space for devotion to my personal practice.

Each day I've done Yoga, meditation, journalling, listening to spiritual music and often some reading. It's been glorious. I'm happy and full of energy.


Today someone at my day job mentioned a possibility for change in my position. She originally mentioned it last week sometime, but today we actually discussed it. I took 1 step towards this possible alternate future and it tilted my world on its axis.

My purpose is to teach Yoga. I believe that fully. However, my purpose doesn't quite pay the mortgage, so I need another job. I had been figuring out how to scale back at the job I'm at now so that I could balance both. But today another option was thrown in the mix and it set my head a spinning. I kept to my practices but my mind was elsewhere.

It's funny how just one thing can displace the peace and tranquility. Of course, it's not the conversation or opportunity that's displacing my serenity, it's me. I am the one that is letting this get to me.

I had a great moment of clarity as I stood at the bus stop today. It doesn't matter! This job is just that, it's a job that pays the bills. I want the job to be something I enjoy doing, but that's true of both my current job and possible one. It will all work itself out and, really, either option will work out fine.



  1. I understand completely how you are feeling. Although I am not a yoga teacher yet, I have been thinking about where I am and what I truly what to do as a whole.

    You seem so grounded! You are an inspiration.
