Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Great Night's Sleep

It's time to admit to one of my guilty pleasures. I love sleep! I have always loved to sleep. To me 8 hrs isn't quite enough. Part of it is that it's always taken me a long time to fall asleep, and a long time to drag myself out of bed in the morning.

A couple weeks ago I shifted myself around and started getting up at 6 am. It's still not the easiest thing; but I know once I get up and going, I'm fine. I've made it a little easier to wake up by setting my ipod to play one of my favorite songs from Adhara.

But what I'm completely shocked by is that I'm finding it easier to fall asleep at night. I've changed my sleeping schedule around many times through the years and still always taken a while to fall asleep. I feel like I've finally found some kind of key. I lay down, sometimes I chant "sleep, sleep, sleep" and before long I'm slumbering away.

And with the better sleep, comes way more energy! Gotta love it!

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