A great Fill in the Blank Friday, brought to us by Lauren at the little things we do....
1. My favorite quote is "You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body." - C.S. Lewis
2. A bad habit I have is distracting myself from things I don't want to do with mindless internet surfing.
3. The first time I felt like a "grown up" was, I don't know. I'm sure I've felt it before, but I want to say it was when I started teaching Yoga last year. Following my dreams, starting my own business, definitely a grown up!
4. Weekends are glorious! I love the weekends; they're my chance to have some extra "me" time. Last weekend I had enough spare time that I played Risk with my mom, and it was great!
5. When I was a child I wished my name was ...I don't remember wanting a different name as a child.
6. I wish that when I was young, I could have the insight I have now. Of course, going through what I went through made me who I am now, so no regrets.
7. A secret I have is that when I was 10 we did a time-capsule project and wrote out where we would be at in the year 2000. Since that would make me 25 (so old!) I was going to be married and I would be a teacher and a secretary (which meant I would be rich)! Lots of laughs when I opened that one.
Hope everyone had a great Friday!
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