Sunday, January 30, 2011

Raw Food

Yesterday I went to a raw food introduction workshop with Diana Marchand. Some of you know I didn't have terribly high expectations going into this. I met Diana at a Nanaimo Women's Business Network meeting. I mentioned to her that I am interested in raw foods which is true. My interest comes and goes and lately it was pretty low. But I also knew that my interest would come back and I'd be glad for the information I received.

Overall, I was very pleasantly surprised by both the taste of the food and Diana's approach. She wasn't telling us what not to eat, but rather giving us some great options that we could add into our diet (and that would logically displace some of our less healthy foods). I won't pretend I loved everything I ate, but that's not unusual for me. I'll let you know about the 3 things that made the largest impact on me.

The only "green smoothie" I'd ever had was a smoothie with some of that green powder. Not my favorite thing, especially since I don't like stevia (which the powder was sweetened with). But I'd wanted to try a real green smoothie. Diana made a smoothie with water, apple, banana, mango and spinach and it was awesome! Tasted just like a regular smoothie, but looked a little different.

When I think raw food I had always thought fruits and vegetables (of course) and possible some strange dehydrated or blended foods. I hadn't thought of oats. We had a cereal made out of soaked steel cut oats. Another win! I like oatmeal well enough, but I much preferred the texture of the soaked oats.

I had read about chia seeds and frankly I was very apprehensive. You soak them and they turn into a gel. I am all about texture. I don't do tapioca. I don't do bubble tea. I don't do weird gel-like food. When we were given our bowl of soaked chia seeds and blueberries, I watched the woman next to me eat first to see her reaction. Then I tried them. I thought they were fine. I'm not going to pretend I loved them, but I felt if I mixed them with some fresh fruit, I would. A very surprising find!

What does this mean for me now? Really just seeds planted in my brain. Right now I'm happy with how I'm eating and it's vastly more healthy than what I used to eat. But over time I'd like to incorporate more raw food into my diet. So I will slowly look at ways of incorporating some of Diana's recipes into my eating. I'm also really grateful for more vegetarian/vegan options since a part of me is always headed in that direction again.

Want to know more about raw eating, visit Diana's website.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Honoring the Pain

Ouch! My right knee had been bothering me for about a month. Nothing too bad but always sort of there.

Last weekend I discussed it with my meditation students. I told them how I hadn't been listening to and honoring my body and that I would do something about my knee. And then my knee got better. I believe it's because of the attention I gave to it. I think that it's a combination of mental healing as well as physical because I was more conscious of how my legs were aligned.

Today during meditation I was coming out of a seating posture I don't typically use. Suddenly I found myself with my legs at awkward angles and weight on my knees. Ouch! I knew right then I made a mistake.

Now that the mistake is made and both of my knees are feeling a little sore, I pledge to not mire myself in regret but to give some love and attention to my knees. I will honor them this weekend and work with them to heal as quickly as possible.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rebel Yoga

I recently read an interesting article about "Rebel Yoga". And I think in the end I have to agree with the woman (Tara Stiles) teaching her own "brand" of Yoga that leaves out the entire philosophical and spiritual component. I agree with her question of "Who made these rules?"

For me Yoga is a lifestyle. I believe in the Eightfold Path of Yoga (or big "Y" Yoga as I call it). That is Yoga. That is the history of Yoga and what I choose to be connected to.

But Tara Stiles is far from the first person to bastardize Yoga. Yoga has become a product. There are some of us who choose to teach or practice Yoga that is closer to its roots. But there is a lot of commercialized Yoga out there and there appears to be a market for it.

Yoga products, Yoga branding, expensive Yoga classes. So choosing to teach a purely physical form of Yoga is nothing new. In fact, I'd guess that's been happening as long as Yoga has been in North America.

I choose to leave each to their own choices. For me, Yoga is spiritual, it's a way of life. I can't imagine my life without it and that's given me more than any stretching class could have.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Embracing Who You Are

Spoiled Yogi wrote a great post yesterday on guilt and Yoga. To quote a bit of it:
"Feeling guilty doesn't help us reach our health goals. It doesn't make us happier. And it certainly doesn't help us to change our habits or make us better, more balanced people. In fact, feeling guilty about the things that make you who you are is directly contradictory to the practice of Yoga."

I love this! Yoga lets you be who you are and connects you to the truth of who you are. Yoga isn't about the perfect pose. It's not about doing things a certain way. It's about being you, all you! It's about tapping into your inner wisdom and possibly some outer wisdom as well. And, more importantly, Yoga is what you want it to be.

There are reasons I never thought I'd be a Yoga teacher (my weight, my joint issues, my back injury) that I think now make me a great teacher. I love Yoga and that's what I teach. I was initially nervous about teaching meditation since I haven't been doing it as long, but I believe it works because I teach what I know and love.

Be who you are! What matters to you? Embrace that, and let the rest of the little details fall in where they need to.

Friday, January 21, 2011

A great Fill in the Blank Friday, brought to us by Lauren at the little things we do....

1. My favorite quote is "You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body." - C.S. Lewis

2. A bad habit I have is distracting myself from things I don't want to do with mindless internet surfing.

3. The first time I felt like a "grown up" was, I don't know. I'm sure I've felt it before, but I want to say it was when I started teaching Yoga last year. Following my dreams, starting my own business, definitely a grown up!

4. Weekends are glorious! I love the weekends; they're my chance to have some extra "me" time. Last weekend I had enough spare time that I played Risk with my mom, and it was great!

5. When I was a child I wished my name was ...I don't remember wanting a different name as a child.

6. I wish that when I was young, I could have the insight I have now. Of course, going through what I went through made me who I am now, so no regrets.

7. A secret I have is that when I was 10 we did a time-capsule project and wrote out where we would be at in the year 2000. Since that would make me 25 (so old!) I was going to be married and I would be a teacher and a secretary (which meant I would be rich)! Lots of laughs when I opened that one.

Hope everyone had a great Friday!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Changing Lives with Yoga

I was reading Diane's post yesterday on Yoga for health and social transformation. The entire post is great and really doesn't necessarily relate to what I'm about to write about. However, at the beginning of the post she talks about ripple effects. And I was just thinking about that myself.

People who have children leave behind a legacy. Their children, their children's children, and everyone who's lives those children (etc) touch. It's a cascading effect. I made a decision year's ago to not have children and I'm an only child. I've always felt that many years from now, if I don't make a conscious effort to change something, I wouldn't leave behind a legacy. Sure, friends and distant family who love me, but nothing that would continue on in my absence.

Last night I felt that had changed. In teaching Yoga, I am helping people change their lives. I am helping them bring something positive into their lives. And some of my students will choose to pass that love and knowledge on to others, whether formally or informally.

Thank you to my students for helping me to create a legacy of Yoga. I am so grateful for the opportunity to share Yoga with you every week!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Reflections on Compassion

I've spent good portions of the last year studying the Eightfold Path of Yoga. The first limb is Yama, and the first Yama is Ahimsa (non-violence or compassion). I've been thinking about what Ahimsa means to me.

For me, Ahimsa is opening my heart to everyone. That includes those I love, those I don't know and those I don't particularily like. I don't have to like them but open my heart so that I can at least empathize and wish them well.

Compassion also includes compassion for me. I deserve love and I absolutely need it from myself. And because I love Deborah Adele's book, for me Ahimsa also means balance, courage, and letting people live their own lives (and make their own mistakes).

Being vegetarian is also frequently linked to Ahimsa. For my personal philosophy, I agree. Right now, however, that just doesn't work for me. So I continue to eat meat and ask for forgiveness.

I can't do it all in one day, but I'm incorporating Ahimsa into my life a little at a time. Some things are easy, and some are hard, but that's part of the journey.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Yoga at Kiwanis Village

Yesterday I visited Kiwanis Village, a seniors community with various levels of care and accomodation. In Kiwanis Villa (supportive living) they offer Yoga classes for their residents. I offered to come in, observe and provide some feedback.

It was a great stretching class with some strengthening. Everything she was doing was well suited to the residents. There was lots of range of motion exercises and a big focus on breathing. I provided her some alternate exercises she could try and also some tweaks that could make it a little more Yoga. The residents seemed to really enjoy the class and were a great bunch of women.

Some people might think going to a seniors facility would be depressing, but I found Kiwanis Village just the opposite. The facility itself is really nice and modern. Every staff person I encountered (and every resident) was warm and friendly. There are activities like movies, manicures, outings, exercises. I admit while I was doing my stretching in the class, I thought "I want to be somewhere like this when I'm older".

Thank you to Kiwanis Village for having me in and I look forward to another visit.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

A Great Night's Sleep

It's time to admit to one of my guilty pleasures. I love sleep! I have always loved to sleep. To me 8 hrs isn't quite enough. Part of it is that it's always taken me a long time to fall asleep, and a long time to drag myself out of bed in the morning.

A couple weeks ago I shifted myself around and started getting up at 6 am. It's still not the easiest thing; but I know once I get up and going, I'm fine. I've made it a little easier to wake up by setting my ipod to play one of my favorite songs from Adhara.

But what I'm completely shocked by is that I'm finding it easier to fall asleep at night. I've changed my sleeping schedule around many times through the years and still always taken a while to fall asleep. I feel like I've finally found some kind of key. I lay down, sometimes I chant "sleep, sleep, sleep" and before long I'm slumbering away.

And with the better sleep, comes way more energy! Gotta love it!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Blip on the Radar Screen

For the past two weeks I've been moving along at a great pace. Some other things in my life have fallen into place and this has given my the time and space for devotion to my personal practice.

Each day I've done Yoga, meditation, journalling, listening to spiritual music and often some reading. It's been glorious. I'm happy and full of energy.


Today someone at my day job mentioned a possibility for change in my position. She originally mentioned it last week sometime, but today we actually discussed it. I took 1 step towards this possible alternate future and it tilted my world on its axis.

My purpose is to teach Yoga. I believe that fully. However, my purpose doesn't quite pay the mortgage, so I need another job. I had been figuring out how to scale back at the job I'm at now so that I could balance both. But today another option was thrown in the mix and it set my head a spinning. I kept to my practices but my mind was elsewhere.

It's funny how just one thing can displace the peace and tranquility. Of course, it's not the conversation or opportunity that's displacing my serenity, it's me. I am the one that is letting this get to me.

I had a great moment of clarity as I stood at the bus stop today. It doesn't matter! This job is just that, it's a job that pays the bills. I want the job to be something I enjoy doing, but that's true of both my current job and possible one. It will all work itself out and, really, either option will work out fine.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Curvy Yoga

I saw this post on TeachStreet and loved it: Curvy Yoga Recommends: Expanding into Fullness. I admit, I was drawn to the post simply because of the name. Next week I start teaching a class called Curvy Girls Yoga (same as my Full Figured Yoga, just a jazzier name).

I think it's important that students feel comfortable in a Yoga class. I teach general Hatha Flow classes and work to ensure that any student that shows up is able to do the poses their way, working with them on any modifications they need. But even though all students are welcome at those classes, some do not want to be in an environment where they feel they will be the only one needing modifications.

And here's where niche Yoga really has it's place. Creating Yoga classes that are inviting to those that are intimidated by regular classes. And this includes everything from full figured individuals, those with limited flexibility or mobility, or really anyone that doesn't feel like a "regular" Yoga class is right for them.

The reality is, any student would fit into my "regular" classes great, but I want them to choose the Yoga class they want, and that means I will continue to offer niche classes, including Curvy Girls Yoga.

Go Curvy Yoginis!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I am currently doing some contemplation. I wanted to check in and let people know in case they wondered why they hadn't seen a post this week.

I journal daily, have 2 blogs and a Facebook page. 2 of those are strictly personal (journalling and the 1 blog) and the other two are combo personal/Yoga business (this blog and my Facebook page). That's a lot of writing. I feel I might be spreading my thoughts a bit thin, especially since I'm now working on writing a couple magazine articles as well.

I think there's a value in all of them, but I need to figure out the best way to approach where I write what. So that I don't sit down to journal at night and find I have nothing left to say.

I hope everyone is having a good January so far!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010 - Gratitude list

For the past 3 years I've done a list at the beginning of the year of the things I was grateful for, learned or accomplished in the last year. It was a big list and inevitably contained really important things and more trivial stuff. I've been thinking about that list for the last couple days and decided I didn't want the amazing stuff that happened this year to get lost in the trivial. So...

With 2010 passing, I am grateful for the following:
  • Amazing friends who fill my life with joy, balance and love.
  • My fellow Yoginis that I shared my Yoga Teacher Training with - I am constantly inspired by these beautiful, strong women.
  • The opportunity to make a living teaching what I love.
  • All of the guidance, both traditional and not, that I found on my spiritual path this year. I have found something where I feel completely at home, completely safe and completely loved. I've been looking for this for so long and it meant everything to me to find it.

I hold the vision that 2011 will be an amazing year for all!